Foundation News & Updates
Refining our goals, supporting partners’ evolving plans
Working closely with Climate Resilience Program Director Dr. Chas Jones, CO2 Foundation pivoted funding toward other Foundation-aligned projects.
2022 Annual Report Summary
The CO2 Foundation has created a summary of its 2022 Annual Report, which is available as a PDF and in short form online.
Extremes in 3D series focuses first on fire
This project has a practical and locally-relevant focus, and welcomes new audiences and journalists to extreme weather coverage.
National Adaptation Forum extreme weather track
The CO2 Foundation was pleased to offer support for an extreme weather track on the robust program of the Fifth National Adaptation Forum.
Supporting climate change content in public media
Lending support to GBH Planet Future Fund to produce programs that illuminate practical, equitable and sustainable solutions to the current climate crisis.
World Scientists Warning 2022 update published
The 2022 update of the World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency, funded by the CO2 Foundation, was published in the journal BioScience on October 26, 2022.
Transitioning impactful program to a “by Tribes for Tribes” mode
Empowering Tribes to leverage the power of effective networks, reducing the risk of extreme weather impacts and increasing the number of carbon sequestration and mitigation projects on Tribal lands.
Highlighting extreme weather-related conference content and supporting virtual forum series
Fostering a national climate change adaptation conversation and catalyzing the action required for innovative and collaborative climate-amplified extreme weather resilience.
Publishing a special story series exploring adaptation to climate extremes
Exploring the reverberations of extreme weather events to make climate adaptation feel urgent, relevant, and actionable for all audiences.
Launching a Spanish-language climate change info hub
Supporting the launch of an informational hub to make Spanish-language climate change resources available in one easy-to-find online location.
Convening dialogue on extreme weather and the financial sector
Bringing diverse practitioners together to better understand how the experience of extreme weather events can catalyze accelerated climate action, and to incubate a more forceful response by the financial sector.
Extreme weather funding opportunity remains open
Although we have indeed prioritized applications received prior to March 31, we have not yet finished considering all applications, nor have we closed the funding opportunity!
Supporting ocean-based weather event attribution
The CO2 Foundation is proud to be supporting Climate Central’s leadership in communicating clearly about the influence of climate change on weather events.
Collaborating on educational resource development
The CO2 Foundation is helping to fund the creation of a 2D adventure video game reflecting extreme weather and other climate change-related impacts to the water cycle.
Announcing first funded project: World Scientists Warning
The CO2 Foundation is delighted to have released its first grant funds to support the 2022 update of the World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency.